Saturday, October 11

Helicopter Trip

Sheila’s job allowed us an opportunity to take a ride in a helicopter today. I’ve always wanted to so I’m all over it!

Lost a bit of sleep thinking about it for the week leading up to the trip... had the theme song for Magnum P.I running through my head, picturing me, Rick and A.J flying away from the bad guys. Landing at the mansion to play fetch with Zeus & Apollo and taking the Ferrari to Starbucks for coffee.

Ahhh, what a day it will be

I did get some very nice video of the afternoon while we were flying over the stretch between Kelowna and Penticton. Flying really helped me appreciate where I live. I kind of take this area for granted after awhile, but flying I see it from a different perspective and see how amazing it really is. Even without the boys, Zeus & Apollo or the Ferrari, it was fun.

Beautiful country, I love the Okanagan Valley!

Here is the YouTube link if you prefer


Anonymous said...

Very Cool!

Lancewrd said...

Congrats man! That's awesome. Nice FX :)